Friday, March 7, 2008

Lawmakers contemple Moving School Elections From April to November

TRENTONIn an effort to reduce costs and increase voter participation, state lawmakers Thursday discussed moving school board elections from April to the general election in November.

The Senate Education Committee held discussions Thursday with education groups about consolidating election days, as well as eliminate the requirement that voters decide school tax levies, except for separate questions if the growth cap is exceeded.

Extra elections cost citizens money that could be saved to reduce property taxes or better spent on education, said Sen. Shirley Turner, D-Mercer, the committee chairwoman and sponsor of a bill that would enact such changes.

"Every time we turn around, we're having another election that is costing people money," said Turner.

Turner also said moving the elections to November would allow more voters to have a say in school board elections, since participation is significantly higher.


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