Thursday, April 10, 2008

DOE Commissioner Lucille Davy to get grilled today about VERY questionable spending

"There are cocktail parties in the audit report,
there are administrative dinners, there are hotel costs, there are Atlantic City trips,
there are staff parties."
Davy is scheduled to testify before the Budget panel this afternoon.

Some examples of our hard earned money being spent "wisely" at:
The School District Cosa Nostra:

A review of the KPMG audit for the Union City School District (formerly known as an Abbott district) shows the following:

·One individual was paid for 14 pay periods after termination at the employee's request.
·Two individuals were paid 21 and 24 pay periods after termination.
·The audit report says that, according to the contract, school bus drivers are paid 6 hours of overtime each month in order to charge their cell phones.
·One bus driver in the 05-06 school year earned $73,125 in overtime, which accounted for 237% of the driver's base pay. In other words, the driver earned over $100,000 in wages that year.
·A bus driver in the 04-05 school year earned $61,456 in overtime, 217% of base salary.
·One bus driver in the 05-06 school year earned $51,725 in overtime, 204% of base salary.
·$150,000 for an annual lease of the Ronald Dario Swimming Complex, which was used only part-time in year 05-06; and $100,000 for 04-05, again for part-time use?
·The district spent $72,843 for cable TV spots.
·$55,000 was sent to a PR company for helping the district to prepare monthly superintendent's newsletters, which were sent out in August 2004.
·Another approximately $50,000 was expended in printing costs for 1,000 posters and 25,000 brochures.
·$32,302 was sent to a DC law firm to help the district secure grants
·$26,000 in monthly payments were made for website development. Monthly?
·The district paid $2,315 to send kids to Medieval Times. See the following link: . Medieval Times is a chain corporation, which provides dinner and a live jousting show.
·$2,600 for a staff party.
·Taxpayers spent $9,268 for hotel expenses incurred for an out-of-state administrative retreat.
·$3,476 was spent to send 28 students to visit colleges; one trip went to Boston.
·The district spent $3-K to pay for "floats for [a] Thanksgiving Day Parade."
·A firm called Furia Rubel, based out of PA, was paid big bucks from the district for PR and website development. Just singling out the period from October 2004 to February 2005, the firm received over $148,000. And the payments don't stop after that.
·A trip to a Poconos resort, paying for a "field trip" for 140 seventh graders and chaperones back in June 2004.
·$400 for a "clown show" at Gilmore school, which the auditor labeled "questionable."
·$13,411 monthly payment for 39 cell phones used by bus drivers.
·A "Cocktail Dinner" for 50 people at the Old Tapas Restaurant -- $1,150. "Food for staff."
·$21,125 for 25,000 brochures called "Keys to the City," which were sent to the entire City.
·$1,716 for an LCD flat panel TV for the HR Director's Office.
·$2,268 to the Sheraton Edison Hotel back in February 2005, which paid the tab for students and two teachers. According to the audit report, no agenda was found and they were unable to determine the purpose or necessity of the trip.


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