Monday, February 25, 2008

So Corzine... Time is up: Are you FOR US or AGAINST US?

Governor Corzine still loves his Toll Hike Scheme and will not let it die easily. During tomorrow's state budget speech, he must make it look like the best alternative so beware the drastic budget cut recommendations he proposes. He likely paid a good consulting fee to the speech-writer (the same one that gave us "flying pigs") because this is do-or-die for his scheme (we all know it's all but dead).

However... did the Governor finally hear us, and is he ready to do the right thing? The only way to know for sure is if he looks at some real fat to trim before insulting us with threats to cut much needed services.

Some ideas for him:
Eliminate the state cars driven by those like Assemblyman Speaker Joe Roberts... or better yet: what about the McGreevey appointees - do you know our other bozo Governor mcGreevey even though he's long gone, these appointees never left?

What about all those politically connected outside lawyers Attorney General Anne Milgram continues to hire to do her work - and then some like defend the BPU on the whistyleblower case that she continues to hope just goes away ?

Time is up Governor... time to see if you're for us or against us!

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